Toggling an LED on a Kinetis K70 board

by Crossware 23. March 2016 12:32

Toggling a pin is one of the first things to do on a new microcontroller board.

Our board has an LED on port B pin 18 and the C code for toggling that pin is shown below.

The program is built to run in the SRAM of the K70 microcontroller avoiding the need to over-write anything in the on-chip flash memory.

    // disable the watchdog timer
    g_pWDOG->UNLOCK = 0XC520;
    g_pWDOG->UNLOCK = 0XD928;
    // enable the PORTB module
    g_pSIM->SCGC5 |= SCGC5_PORTB;
    // set PTB18 to ALT1 (GPIO)
    g_pPORTB->PCR18 &= ~(PORT_MUX0 | PORT_MUX1 | PORT_MUX2);
    g_pPORTB->PCR18 |= 1 << 8;
    // set PTB18 as an output
    g_pGPIOB->PDDR = 1 << 18;
    while (1)
        // toggle the PTB18
        g_pGPIOB->PTOR = 1 << 18;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++);


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